I've taken to keeping a written diary - just today in fact. I haven't done that since high school and if I remember correctly, I only did it then because that's what teenage girls do, isn't it?
I have friends who keep food and weight diaries, or mood diaries, or ovulation calendars and the like. I've also for the longest time stuck with everything online largely because RJB is a geek and that's rubbed off a bit I think. When I was still an active member of the rat-race, I had a paper work appointment diary, simply because I couldn't always rely on access to my online version when out at clients or travelling - technology being what it is with firewalls and overprotective IT security managers, but that often got me into trouble with the online version double booking me if i wasn't hyper vigilant.
It's not a diary in the true date sense of the word, but more a record of an exciting project and the emotions, facts and tribulations attached to that. I think as I've gotten older, keeping a record which I can refer back to, with the flick of a page is a must have rather than a nicety or a trend blending exercise.
The project is exciting. It's been a long time in the making and keeping a written record of everything about it is the right way to go about it.
So without further ado ........ Dear Diary :-)
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