Monday, May 21, 2012

Polar Bears!

My husband says I'm hardcore!

Essentially that means :

I'm in touch with my masculine side?

I'm no pussy?

I'll go swimming with him at 6.15am at the Tooting Bec Lido, which is less than 3deg, in a wetsuit (which I bought second-hand yesterday) - because I'm doing a triathlon this year!

Go figure!

Ice-ice Baby!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Catch Up - Round 2

1291 - catch up on Day 4 of 21 and the weekend bit!  That's 291 more than required (let's not think about days 7 and 8 (Monday and Tuesday) of this week quite yet, still getting there.

This speaks volumes for the guilt which is always profess not to struggle with ..........

Do as I say, not as I do!

(just found this dude's blog and cribbed his image)  classic!  Thanks BC Matthews!

What I've learned ...... so far

So this should read "Seven of 21" but doesn't!

What I've learned in 8 days is :

'The road to fame is paved with good intentions';

Wanting something to be so doesn't 'Make it so' - unless you're Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Starship Enterprise;

Creation of a good habit is as hard as the breaking of a bad habit - falling off the wagon is guaranteed


What I'm doing next is :

Let the games begin!


Monday, May 14, 2012


Two sides of the same footballing weekend!


90 minutes between celebration and horror!


Comedy and ......... frankly, worrying!


image credits in order to (Manchester Evening News, Mufcgirl blog, ABC grandstand sport, Mail Online, Wikipedia and Zimbio)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Three of 21

Not so easy today.  A little distracted and sleepy.  Still, 518 and it made me feel good because it's running.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

2 of 21

Success again. 526 including dialogue.  Epic.

Very rewarding.

Rib time!


Tuesday, May 08, 2012

One of 21

Aaaaaaand she's off ..............

536 words in 30 minutes!  I kid you NOT.

Great start, YIPPEE!


The making or breaking of a habit!

It takes 21 days to make / break a habit!

I established this pearler while researching something completely unrelated of course which speaks volumes for my already acknowledged and increasingly annoying habit of procrastination!

Please note these are only two of many I actually read - I refer back to procrastination.

Well I've decided to test myself here - so here goes ......

I will write 500 words (and no, this blog does not count) daily for 21 days - excluding weekends when I will write 500 words over 2 days.

If this works - I will have an excellent habit!  Include here "prolific writer" "success" "income generator" person etc.

If it doesn't and I feel the need to take a 2 week break after 21 days of squeezing 500 words out of my exploding head - well, I should still have around 10,500 words to use in some shape or form - which can only be a good thing!

There are only 2 rules : (of course there are rules otherwise it won't feel real)

  1. I HAVE to write 500 words a day - and report, as such, each day on this blog, briefly, so that I'm held accountable by anyone reading this;
  2. I CANNOT write ' Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ' as tempting as it may be!

There - I've gone and done it!

Keep me legal people!
Thank you

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Back in the saddle

Just touching base.

It's Spring already - although, I suspect someone forgot to inform the weatherman. But perhaps I'm being harsh. It is warmer, mostly. Definitely wetter, a lot wetter and based on all my Google research, will remain that way for the weeks to come.

RJB and I have Safari'd, visited our beautiful homeland and spent time with family and friends.

RJB is now blogging which is noteworthy - he's blogging here so that's where to go if you're stalking us or just want to know where we're at.

A chapter in my life has closed which means time to refocus and get on with it. Getting paid and famous, not necessarily in that order, is the new direction.  Just to clarify that, I won't be going viral on YouTube any time soon, we're talking books, blogs, web and copy writing here folks - although that's not to say it won't be seedy.

Loads of races coming up, the 2012 Olympics and the Diamond Jubilee - busy little year.

Family moving to Sweden - I can still get excited through the sadness of parting; 'tis another holiday destination to include after all - Yay.

Better crack on or it will be Christmas and i'll have missed the boat again.

Over and out ....... don't forget your brolly