Thursday, February 17, 2011

Human Nature, kind or not!

Just when I lose faith in human kind, something or someone reminds me of silver clouds and linings or someone does something spectacular and restores my faith.

The past couple of weeks has been a roller coaster of remarkable political, sporting and individual heroism alongside some of the most spectacular failures of humanity - i have found myself riveted as a voyeur to life, unable to blink at times.

Australia has been hit with extreme weather and natural disaster from all quarters.  Watching the televised drama has been unbearable at times and i've found myself amazed at human capacity for bravery and remarkable stoic nature of some.

The Egyptians have moved a mountain in Mubarak and followed Tunisia in a revolution which is gathering momentum all over the Arab world.  What a remarkable time we live in that over a number of days the world gets to watch a dictator fall and popular uprising spread from country to country as humanity insists on its freedoms.

On a much smaller scale, a little old lady here in the UK charged across a busy road in the middle of the day to attack a group of 5 or 6 pick-axe wielding thugs smashing their way into a jewellery store. She beat them off their scooters with her handbag and kept coming back for more until onlookers were forced to assist, if only to salvage their own sense of right and wrong. Crazy story, but so uplifting.

Another dreadful pedophile incest monger has been arrested in Europe ....... loads of children and other nasties involved.  A tiny village, lots of gossip, NO-ONE stepping up to help, intervene, assist for about 15 years. Wonderful, we all knew, we all talked about it, we all stared ......... but its their own business. Cowards!

Sex offenders in the UK have been given back some of their "human rights" by the international courts of Europe.  They can actually apply to have their names removed from the sex offenders register - if they can convince someone they're rehabilitated!? Whose fabulous idea was that?! And other general population prisoners have also got into the "human rights' battle for access to vote.  Who cares whether they're Tory or Labour or Lib Dem and why should their vote count? My opinions on both these idea are very strong ...... and they're NOT in anyway PRO human rights at this level for any of these misfits.  Forfeit is a strong theme here for me!

Two horses were accidentally electrocuted through faulty exposed wires on a race-course over the last weekend.  There were actually punters interviewed voicing their frustration and irritation that the rest of the race meet was cancelled. I mean, what were they supposed to do with the rest of their day, they'd made plans to watch the racing and bet money for goodness sake. How thoughtless of the race organisers.  TAZER their asses is my response - give them a little jolt of reality - stupid fools!

There are loads more but i think ending on a positive note is always a good thing.

Wayne Rooney scored a FABULOUS goal last weekend in the Manchester Derby, and i mean FABULOUS.  I wanted to add a link to a decent video version for you, and there are a couple of average takes on YouTube  - but all the others have been removed ...... property of FIFA. Well there you go, so much for a positive note.

Over and out .... not down